
sls studio listen

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sls studio listen为短语/超纲词汇
1. We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.

2. We had to listen to a peroration on the evils of drink!

3. We had to listen to a long sermon about not wasting money.

4. We´re now going back to the studio.´

5. Want to listen to your favorite guitar player's latest jazz cassette?

6. They have built a music studio.

7. The government has been pressing for computer makers to include a special chip in their machines to allow police agencies to listen to electronic communications.

8. He likes to sit at home, listen to music, and draw. He's kind of a dreamer."

9. He makes time every day to listen to his seven-year-old son play the piano — even if it is no more than a few minutes during a phone call while he is away at a conference.

10. Didn't you ever listen to music like this when you were a youngster?"
